Thursday, December 21, 2023

Field Study 1 - Activity 4: The Teaching-Learning Resources, ICT, and the Curriculum

 Domain 4: Curriculum and Planning

Planning the curriculum is essential for balancing what pupils must study with societal needs. I'm assuming you're inquiring about how schools plan their curricula. The right mix of individuals should be included in curriculum planning; typically, teachers and education managers are those who determine the scope and sequence of the curriculum, however the group may also include external stakeholders.

In creating their curriculum nowadays, instructors are no longer working alone. There are several materials available, including textbooks, curriculum guides for the district, statements from professional organizations, and even other teachers in your building. To be a successful teacher, you must plan entertaining, age-appropriate, and clear lessons. The curriculum's WHAT, HOW, and WHY questions must be addressed by all teachers. What lesson is most crucial to impart? Why? What will the content's structure and organization be? Why? What teaching methods are most effective for a certain concept or skill? Why? How will I gauge my students' development and mastery? Why?

It has been demonstrated that over time, curriculum preparation and evaluation for learning have a major impact on student results. In order to do better, students need to know how they are doing. In order to effectively meet the requirements of learners, parents and caregivers require information through fast and efficient reporting. The importance of curriculum planning lies in its ability to ensure that daily instruction serves a greater goal. By listing learning objectives and activities that will help attain those objectives, it acts as a guide. Teachers utilize a variety of strategies to assist students understand the topics they are taught and to guide learning, including curriculum design, instruction, and assessment. These actions can be driven in a variety of ways and take many different shapes in the classroom.

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